Your go-to freelance/consultant medical writer for
well-written, fact-checked, on-target, on-time content
Publications and reports
Because of copyright issues and confidentiality agreements, I don't post examples of my paid work. Contact me to request writing samples. View a list of selected publications that acknowledge my contributions. Click on the links below to access pdfs for selected examples I have authored:
Nicosia M. 2024 Freelance Medical Communicator Tools of the Trade Survey: Report of raw results. March 12, 2024.
Nicosia M. A medical writer’s guide: Working on clinical research manuscripts for submission to peer-reviewed medical journals. AMWA J. 2023;38:12-20. (Contact me if you don't have access to the AMWA Journal and would like a pdf of the submitted manuscript.)
Nicosia M. Report of the raw results from the 2018 Freelance Medical Communicators Tools of the Trade Survey. February 9, 2019.
Nicosia M. Results from the 2016 Freelance Medical Communicator Tools of the Trade Survey. AMWA J. 2017;32:105-112.
Education sessions at annual conferences of the American Medical Writers Association (AMWA)
"Which Digital Tools Do Freelance Medical Writers and Editors Use?" (October 25, 2024, New Orleans, LA)
"Jam session for Medial Writers and Editors Who Work on Research Manuscripts" (October 24, 2024, New Orleans, LA)
"Jam Session for Medical Writers and Editors Who Work on Research Manuscripts" (October 27, 2023, Baltimore, MD)
"Tools and Tips for Tackling Research Manuscript Projects" (November 5, 2022, Denver, CO)
"How to Master Scientific Publications: A Medical Writer's Bag of Tricks" (October 28, 2021, virtual)
"Can Fitting in Fun Make Us Better Medical Writers?" (November 2019, San Diego, CA; co-presented with Julie A. Gelderloos, PhD)
“Tools to Thrive in a Digital World” (November 2018, Washington DC; co-presented with Kathy Boltz, PhD)
“Tech Tools to Help You Run Your Freelance Business” (November 2017; Orlando, FL)
"The Nuts and Bolts of Research Manuscripts for Peer-Reviewed Medical Journals: A Medical Writer’s Perspective" (AMWA live Webinar; January 25, 2023)
"How to Master Scientific Publications: A Medical Writer's Bag of Tricks" (AMWA-MAC Annual Conference; March 4, 2022)
"Tools to Thrive in a Digital World, Part 1: Medical Writing and Running a Freelance Business" (AMWA Webinar; June 2019)
“Digital Tech for Medical Communicators” (AMWA-RMC webinar; September 2018)
Other in-person talks
"Streamline Your Work With Digital Tools" (AMWA-DVC Freelance Workshop; March 2019)